
(remixed from Tron, by bromagosa) by jacob strickler
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Intenta no xocar contra els rastres de llum en aquesta cursa de motos lluminoses de l'univers de TRON. Joc de dos jugadors dissenyat per a la màquina Arcade

Mou-te amb W, A, S, D i H, J, I, K. Prem R o F per iniciar la partida.

Try not to crash against the light walls in this light motorcycle race inspired in the TRON univers. Two-player game designed for the Arcade machine.

Move around with W, A, S, D and H, J, I, K. Press R or F to start the game.

Created September 12, 2019

Last updated October 23, 2019

Shared October 23, 2019