2/12/24 - Camera Pointilism
My work was inspired by Study for A Sunday on La Grande Jatte by artist Georges Seurat. The piece captures the camera, storing it to a costume. It then divides the screen into chunks based on the height and width variable block constants. Each chunk is assigned a clone, which then draws a uniform dot of the specified size (size * sqrt(2)). The purpose of this uniform piece is to prevent the background from showing up in the piece. To dimish the uniform, pixel apperance, Each dot also has variance in regards to the original color of the background, which is defined by the variance constant. These are also affected by the first index of the hue, saturation and brightness adjustment constants. Each chunk is then remade, with "layer2" which creates smaller dots that are randomly placed. These are also affected by the second index of the hue, saturation and brightness adjustment constants. I feel this style is quite accurate to Seurat's style
Created February 14, 2024
Last updated February 14, 2024