boredom video recorder

by topgamerpro16
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Use "1" to alter toggle or pulse, which affects how the spacebar works.
when toggle or pulse is set to 1, it will pulse for the spacebar. IOW, hold it to record, once it's let go, it will stop. 
whe toggle or pulse is set to 0, it will detect toggling, IOW, works like thye default camera app on most phones. IIOOWW, press once, press again to stop.

use 0 to toggle stats for nerds.(its just what frame is being recorded, and in the player, what frame is being viewed.)

use the tab key and the duration variable located at the top left to set a specific time length. (not exactly) like 100 =3s

soon to come-a timer for the tab and toggle, and filters (graphic effects, if snap suppports it, transparent costume filters to put in front of the photo/video), and normal photos. if someone tells me how, without the sound recorder thing popping up, audio will be added to video recordings.

Created October 14, 2020

Last updated October 15, 2020

Shared October 15, 2020