Cheating on a test

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question- what is the chance that you will get a question right if you guess the same answer? the answer to this question is 1/4*x, where x is the number of questions. if you have 5 questions, it would be 5 in 200. based on these odds, i would say guessing is not very good. for this we assumed that the teacher would choose what the correct answer is (a b c or d) randomly,instead of systematically. we also assumed the test would be multiple choice, because open answer is practically impossible.we researched how tests re created, and the answers are either randomized or hand selected, based on the teacher. our simulation has you set the answer, how many questions, and ti does the rest for you using lists and if true blocks. out conclusion- do not guess the same answer that is dumb. Project by Paden P. and Michael C. in 2020

Created March 5, 2020

Last updated March 12, 2020

Published March 12, 2020