Unicycle Gestures
(remixed from SnapCon Gestures, by jadga)23-4-5 9:30 Forked Jadga's version of Gestures https://snap.berkeley.edu/snap/snap.html #present:Username=jadga& ProjectName=SnapCon%20Gestures& editMode&noRun Substituted Unicycle Gestures for drawing gestures. Learn whether the algorithm can distinguish among: across the gym, around the gym, stationary, figure eights, CW and CCW circles, Simple Gestures algorithm ($1 recognizer, depts.washington.edu/acelab/proj/ dollar/index.html) unicycleExamples distinguishes among all of these gestures but with conspiuous exceptions: e. g. The algorithm classifies a diagonal line from upper right to lower left quadrant as a figure8. Added script to render the items in the unicycleExamples by asking the user for the name of the gesture to render. Makes it easier to determine how to replicate the gesture. Added starting-point indicator (ala 1st grade hiragana and $1 recognizer). Added credits, WOWbell, instructions.
Created April 5, 2023
Last updated April 6, 2023