evolution simulation

by pajamaclaws21
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artificial selection simulation!

hover over a circle and press space to kill it. when there is one circle left, it is designated as the next parent. the generation is over, and a new generation starts. in this new generation, each individual has a modified version of the parent genes (called "generational genes"). one individual in each generation has the exact generational genes.

genes are the following:
1 - initAngle: Angle turned each frame
2 - initSpeed: Steps moved each frame
3 - angleMod: Random modifier for angle turned each frame
4 - speedMod: Random modifier for steps moved each frame
5 - size
6 - color

formula for dist. from gen genes:
|mean(gen genes) - mean(my genes)| 

generally, if the color of a child is very different than the color of its parent, then it is very different

idfienfojewn the code is ugly and inefficient, be warned if you're trying to modify it

Created February 22, 2023

Last updated February 22, 2023

Published February 22, 2023