Line-Circle Maker
Welcome to Circle maker! Make your own circle out of lines! FEATURES Volume - You can set the volume for the frequency. (10-50 for hearing safety) Lifespan - How many lines are generated. (increments by 10) Distance - The spacing between lines. (increments by 0.5) Color - Base color of each line. (increments by 20 for simplicity) Additions in 11/30/2024 (4.10.0): Areasize - The size of each line. (increments by 10) All settings' displays are also hidden unless you hold space. DETAILS (Added in 7/7/2024 - 4.9.0) Usually set to Low. For better performance, set it to lower values. Raw: Only the required graphics. Best performance, but looks ugly. No frequency. Low: Only has the fade extra detail. Best performance with good looks. No frequency. Moderate: Only has the fade extra detail, but produces similar frequencies. High: Rainbow coloring, fade extra detail, similar sound. Starts to get laggy. Stunning: All the details before this update. Best looks, but worst performance (Ya know, style doesn't always win.). SLOWDOWNS (Based off of Stunning detail level) 100+ lines may slow down your experience. 150+ lines are absolutely discouraged as they can slow down the project a lot! 200+ lines. If you have the lifespan set to that, it's either hearing loss or tab crash. CHANGELOG 4.8.0 - Original project (Sep 1, 2023) 4.9.0 - Added Details (July 7, 2024) With Snap! back in my interest, expect updates every Sunday! There will be breaks when I say so in my forums post. 4.10.0 - Added Intro, customizable size. All options are hidden unless you hold space. New background too. (November 30, 2024)
Created September 1, 2023
Last updated November 30, 2024
Published September 1, 2023