remap value
Remap a value from a original range of value to another range of value. example: you have a value in a range of 0 to 5 and you want to transpose this value to another range of values 0 -100. in this case: if value = 0 return 0 if value = 3 return 60 if value = 5 return 100 another example: you want to do 2.5D (size change with y position) you can remap the y position of your sprite to obtain the size of your object remap "y position" from range -180 to 180 to range 100 to 10 if y position = -180 return 100 (the size) if y position = 100 return 30 if y position = 180 return 10 use the result to change the size of your sprite !
Created January 24, 2022
Last updated March 20, 2023
Published January 26, 2022