Jayden Bates - King Ball

(remixed from Evades.io, by hmlake) by jayd3n6ates
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If you are here Welcome to a copy of Evades.io. This project took a long time to create. There are 10 levels in this. A dark Mode and a light mode. Boss level and there will be more content coming soon when I am able to finish Peculiar Pyramid in evades.io. Im sorry if you find any bugs. This is a months work. Please do not copy my work as this was really fun to create and finish. Thank you and have a lot of fun. Im contastnly adding and trying to fix and bugs/glitches that occur. Im sorry if it isn’t working when you play or something is wrong like random sprites or variables showing up that just means I am changing the age.Good Luck. You'll need it

Created September 9, 2021

Last updated September 10, 2021

Shared September 10, 2021