Ghost Shooter 2 Player

(remixed from Ghost Shooter 2 Player, by lazerer) by gabe_666
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Human Controls: WASD to move. C and B to aim/turn left and right. T to throw down a bear trap (you only have one per game) and V to shoot. You cannot shoot while moving. <<<<                                                                           When you hit the flag, the ghost will spawn on the top-right, and then every time it is killed it will re-spawn on the corner that is counter clockwise of its last spawn.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Ghost Controls: Arrow keys to move. Press K to go invisible for a brief period of time (but you move slower). Press L to go through walls (this will slow you down, don't spam it too much) All the ghost has to do to win is touch the human.                                                   

Created December 5, 2019

Last updated December 11, 2019

Published December 5, 2019