Lab 1.4: Sprites in Action

(remixed from Lab 1.4: Sprites in Action, by diegovm) by dnigro13
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-use space bar to switch to the next costume
-left arrow to move it the left
-right arrow to move it the right
-1 to make it appear
-2 to make it disappear
-it also has sounds when you move it left and right to turn the volume up a little
-use space bar to switch to the next costume
-1 to make it disappear
-2 to make it appear
-f to make it "attack" the monkey
-1 to make it disappear
-2 to make it appear
-take the mouse and pass it on top of the monkey to make move to the final position of the mouse and just keep doing it over and over again
Flying Hippo:
-1 to make it disappear
-2 to make it appear
-t to make it go to where the monkey is, so just keep pressing it to make it follow the monkey

Created September 29, 2021

Last updated September 29, 2021

Shared September 29, 2021