javascript alert, confirm, prompt and print
this is my first ever public project here. this project uses javascript to do "tasks that the project can preform" as said in the project. the "prefomable" tasks are: 1) print: creates a printable picture of the page. 2) say: creates an message box with the message entered. 3) constant: outputs one of the two mathematical constants available (either e or pi). 4) (removed) error: creates an error with the message inputed. removed due to being inside the script, being unseeable on the project page. that's it. this project also contains more custom blocks i made. edit: i just realised that the message boxes cannot appear when on the project page, so you'll need to press the "see code" button for it to work.
Created December 16, 2020
Last updated December 16, 2020
Published December 16, 2020