SnipOS 6 For Legacy PCs (6.1.0FLP)

by stdaph
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Welcome to SnipOS 6 FLP RTM.

SnipOS is an operating system simulator by Hyposyn Software. There are 5 main versions, each one getting more and more capable as time progresses.

SnipOS 6 FLP is the new, fastest application that hyposyn has made on Snap! 

Here is everything in SnipOS 6 FLP.

Notebook (or Analog Notebook) is the new way to take notes on SnipOS. Including page support and supports making your own novel up to 10 pages!*

Hyposyn Maps.

One of the most powerful applications on SnipOS 6, a google maps alternative.

Press "Space" to set location to a custom longitude and latitude.

All SnipOS 6 sessions comes with 32HB (Hyposyn Bytes) to save the system from crashing. You are able to expand the storage using codes, though, it increases the chance of errors in applications like Paint and Notebook. FLP edition was made to use the 32HB system RAM as small as possible aswell as allows developers to Allocate as much RAM to a software as possible (for now).

Thank you to all our team members (as of writing)








Modded by Stdaph! I don't mean to replace RTM. I just felt that Developers building upon SnipOS needs more RAM.

Created January 7, 2023

Last updated January 12, 2023

Published January 12, 2023