Project 3: Platformer - Mario starter

(remixed from Project3_Sprites, by sebastianjay) by randychs
See Code Download Embed
Starter “code” (i.e. pre-loaded costumes) for the “easy” version of the platform project. There’s no actual code in here, aside from some scripts to hide the sprites.
Hints for working with this starter code:
1) You don’t need to use all of the sprites, and you may duplicate sprites. Sprites which aren’t needed for the base requirements are hidden by default. If you don’t end up using them, please delete them.
2) You can use the [set size to _%] block under Looks to scale sprites appropriately.
3) The three enemies have two costumes each for animation purposes.
4) Mario should alternate between the “stationary” and “walking” costumes to create a walking animation. The two other costumes (“jumping” and “falling”) can be used to create an optional jumping animation; they may be removed if you don’t want to do that animation (that being said, a jumping animation is cool! So think about how you can add it in).
5) Make sure you know which images are part of the stage background (which is fixed and unmoving) and which are separate sprites (which should move as described earlier in the spec).

Created March 13, 2021

Last updated March 13, 2021

Shared March 13, 2021