Press the Green Flag to activate pentominoes display of a 5x4 rectangle on a three second delay between tilings. The input is from the very exhaustive and beautiful pentomino tilings at In this instance the 5x4 - All of the pentominoes except the "X" are able to be in a 5x4 tiling. I think that is is interesting. This version is adding more features - 1. Read in and display a manually solved 5x4 tilings composed in a csv file 2. Integer programming solver inspired by "A new mathematical model for tiling finite regions of the plane with polyominoes." 3. Trial and error backtracking solver 4. Exact Cover Solver Big picture - I hope to code functional modules that are interesting examples of SNAP! programming and or illuminate algorithms. Audience is my STEM/Art kids MS-HS
Created December 7, 2024
Last updated December 12, 2024