Hold the left mouse button down to produce "Tier One". Your Tier One increases by your Boost every Tickspeed/5 seconds, as well as increasing your Boost by your Boost^2. Your tier one automatically increases every tickspeed seconds. Press SPACE to upgrade tickspeed. If your tickspeed is under 0.025 seconds, you gain tickspeed boost instead, which is another boost that multiplies by the other boosts Every 1e200 (equal to a googol times a googol) Tier one, you get a tier two. Every 1e200 Tier two, you get a tier 3. The same goes with the boosts and tickspeed costs. If you press A, everything is reset (Except for Boost^2, Boost2 ^2, and Boost3 ^2) and you gain more Boost^2, Boost2^2, and Boost3^2 (1000 boost translates to +1 Boost^2)
Created February 15, 2020
Last updated February 28, 2020
Published February 15, 2020