Gal-a-Gate 1.5 Update
You have 1 mineut to make it throgh the trench with out exploding can you make it the distence? Use W and S to go up and down to avide ennmy ships lazers and inplacments wile controling your speed with A and D the more speed you have the less monovrbilty you have try and aviode takeing to much damge or you may lose you can always try and shoot your ennmys down but your ship dose not have the power to shoot and be at full speed so you lose speed wen fireing use space bar to shoot and go throgh menus. *1.5 Updates -Use Q to switch throgh fireing modes and use E to luck it in -Genrole balence changes -Mild performence boost *1.5 Bug fix -The win/game over screen no longer aprears after death or win
Created January 11, 2022
Last updated January 11, 2022
Published January 11, 2022