Painting by Linear Planet Motion with orbiting Satellite

by spielscratch
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The underlying mechanism driving this automatom is a block of code in "Squar Sprite" (yes, I'm dyslexic) that sets the sprite's rotation x and y to the rotation x and y of "Circle Sprite".

Look inside my custom block "Line Style Random" to see how the pen keeps changing.
The "s" key shows the Satellite and Circle Sprites, while the "h" keys hides them.

The "0" key clears away all the paint to reveal a clean canvas. However, the Satellite will still orbit from wherever it is at that point. 

This project should be considered messy play. Use it for inspiration, fun, or entertainment.

The block code is in no way an example of good style, I'm just asking "what if I try ...". Sometimes, the result entertains me so I share the code.

I keep a messy programmer's notepad, think of the sort of jumbled mess of colours that an artist's pallet becomes. Somewhere within the jumbled mass of thoughts and ideas lies a seed that could grow into something brilliant.

Please, please, take my code or concept and see what you can do to make it into something new.

Created December 12, 2022

Last updated December 12, 2022

Published December 12, 2022