
by s_federici
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IMPORTANT: to use this tool you MUST click the EDIT button.

This project runs a reduced version of the C programming language inside Snap.

It was originally made to run inside the BloP extension, but you can also safely run this version in Snap if, before running the C scripts that you find in the "C xxx" sprites, you click the green flag every time in order to clean the C environment. Every sprite is a different program.

NOTE: when running this project inside the BloP extension you will not see the "C+ envir" sprite and the Stage. You will not be able to move or resize the monitor of the output variable on the Stage. You will not be able to remove the C commands from the palette nor to change how they work. You will run everything inside a "safe" environment, like you do in Snap or Scratch.

Created August 2, 2020

Last updated December 19, 2021

Published August 2, 2020