Week 9 Assignment - Chords, Motif, and Beat

by kmaio
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When the green flag is clicked, this code plays a progression of chords, a motif and a drum tack in unison.

I first chose the D minor - G major - C major - A minor chord progression and then built my motif off of that. For my motif, I chose the notes that make up each chord and played them in order for each measure. To make it more upbeat, I added a second part where two chords play in one meausre while the motif switches between quarter and eighth notes. Lastly, I chose a cello and piano to plays these parts because they best match the tone of the song, 

Finally, I added a bass drum and high tom to round out the track.

Created October 20, 2022

Last updated October 20, 2022

Shared October 20, 2022