Turtle Art

by bohengmu
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This is my art of creating a bee polinating scene with geometry objects

for the back ground I simple have a sky blue fill

for the grass I made a helper function to draw triangles, which takes a x position and defaults to the bottom of the stage. A triangle is drawn by drawing its three sides then filling, A total of 15 "grass" is drawn.

to make the flowers I have two helper functions: make stem and make flower
the stem points in a certain direction in color brown, then makes a leave by stamping the sprite, 

the bee is split into 4 parts: the head , the tail, the body, and the wing
the body is made of 4 rectangles, the tail is made of staming sprite, the wing is also made of stamping sprite, and the head is made of two rectangels and two lines

Created January 25, 2023

Last updated January 30, 2023

Shared January 25, 2023