6 - Pastry Planet Iris Xe Max

by hm100
See Code Download Embed
Press Space to shoot
Don't make the mouse hover on a planet or end the moves
1 changes costume style (Alternates between the three)
2 changes costume color
3 to see planets near the mouse
9 changes moves amount during debug
8 moves you to 3 stars
7 changes goal amount during debug
0 shoots without losing moves during debug
D sets the direction
Q sets a random direction for you
E enables/disables Debug
T sets direction to 0
F sets direction to -90
G sets direction to 180
H sets direction to 90
P pauses the game
Arrows allows you to change the direction of all shooters
You have to earn 1 star in order to pass the level you created.
Debug code is 5 Snap Planet for this version

All Level Editors:
- Space to save changes

Min Costume Editor/Max Costume Editor/Initial Costume Editor:
- Arrows to change planet value

Initial Moves Editor/Onscreen Planets Editor/Planet Size Editor/Planet Amount Editor/Star Moves Editor/Clone Shoot on click Editor/Moves you must leave Editor:
- Left arrow to change value by -1
- Right arrow to change value by 1

Initial Shooter Direction Editor:
- Left arrow to change value by -15
- Right arrow to change value by 15
- Up arrow to change value by -30
- Down arrow to change value by 30
- T to set value to 0
- F to set value to -90
- G to set value to 180
- H to set value to 90

Target Editors:
- Left arrow to change value by -10
- Right arrow to change value by 10
- Up arrow to change value by 100
- Down arrow to change value by -100
- T to change value by 1000
- G to change value by -1000

Title Screen:
- Up and Down arrows to change values
- L to prompt in a browser dialog the levels and their numbers
- Minux (-) to stop project during title screen
- Space to confirm action and is one of:
-- If Start Game is highlighted, it begins the game
-- If Level Creator is highlighted, it opens up the level creator modals
-- If Level Editor is highlighted, it (asks you/opens a modal) to choose the item you want to edit and opens its corresponding editor modal to edit that item
-- If Level Deletor is highlighted, it asks you to choose which level you want to remove (To remove the 1st level after the sample ones, type 1 in the question)
-- If Level Saver is highlighted, it asks you to write a name for your new level to save it in the "Levels" list
-- If Settings is highlighted, it opens a separate modal to change wheather you can lose if you touch a planet with the mouse or not as well as if you want any music to be played.

Settings screen:
- Up and Down arrows to toggle between options
- Left arrow to set value to 0
- Right arrow to set value to 0
- Equals (=) button to save changes and close the modal

Uses CPE Blocks as well as custom blocks

Created February 28, 2021

Last updated March 19, 2021

Shared February 28, 2021