Painting App

by helicoptur
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Q - Show/hide brush and HUD
C - Clear canvas
Z - Undo stroke
Y - Redo stroke
X - Enable/disable drawing
P - Clear undo/redo queue

Notes, credits and tips:
- Don't play this in fullscreen mode or it will mess up the neat look of the variable watchers. Don't use it in the editor either, as it can be annoying to accidentally drag a watcher when trying to use a slider.
- "Shape" is 1 for square and 2 for ellipse.
- "Mode" is 0 for brush, 1 for shape, and 2 for fill/paintbucket. (Note: Paintbucket tool is experimental, use at your own risk.)

Update log:
1/27/20: Fixed a bug regarding the HUD
4/26/20: Added an option for square drawing, switch the "mode" slider to 1 to enable square drawing.
5/4/20: Added option to draw ellipses. Added variable to tell what tool the user is currently on. Separated square and ellipse as tools. Added paintbucket tool.

Created January 22, 2021

Last updated March 22, 2023

Shared January 22, 2021