STCL - Snap Text Coding Language

by earthrulerr
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Note: You must put lal commands by themself meaning there must be space before the beginning { and a space after the } and JS must be enabled.

{user} - Puts your user in. Example: Hello I am {user}
{date} - Puts in the current date. Example: The current date is {date}
{time} - Puts in the current time. Example: The current time is {time}
{x} - Puts in current x position. Example: Sprite X position = {x}
{y} - Puts In the current y position. Example: The current Y is {y}
{direction} - Puts in the current direction. Example: The current direction is {direction}

Emojis: :sob: :happy: :mad: :checkmark: :thumbsup: :ok:

Created August 1, 2021

Last updated August 7, 2021

Published August 7, 2021